Videos available to help promote Financial Planning

Financial Planners, Advisers and Mortgage Brokers may be interested in our new range of videos which have been added to our Content Store recently. All of the videos are available as part of a Content Store subscription, or can customised for a small fee. The three videos below are the most recent videos added to the Store.

What will your retirement look like?

This video encourages potential clients to think about their retirement lifestyle and how planning can help them to achieve that very lifestyle.

Do you want to live mortgage free?

We know that, for many of your clients, living mortgage free will be a powerful motivator for their financial planning. This video explains how financial planning takes account of the wider financial implications surrounding paying off a mortgage, helping clients to see the true value in the services you offer.

How to find the best mortgage for you

Do you offer a mortgage service or are you a mortgage broker? This is a specialist video, explaining the difference your services can make to clients.

Not currently a Content Store subscriber? Our videos can be purchased ‘off the shelf’, you can subscribe to the Content Store for just £420 per year or you can get access with any level of MailFirst subscription. Get in touch here and we’ll be happy to talk through your options with you.